More than 1 billion people across all continents live in slums. More than half a million women die each year from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth – one every minute. Every day, in every region of the world, people living in poverty are discriminated against – whether through individual acts of others, or institutional discrimination by the state. We have documented human rights violations that deepen poverty. It is human rights violations that lead to discrimination, exclusion, maternal deaths, eviction from homes, segregation in schools, or women dying in pregnancy from lack of access to health care. All across the world, we have documented evidence of human rights violations that have kept people poor. Taken together, these human rights violations and evidence highlight the poor state of progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. This September 2010, world leaders will meet at the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Summit to accelerate progress towards achieving the MDG targets by 2015. Amnesty International will be there, putting across your voice and demanding an increased focus on human rights protection as the solution to global poverty. Sign the petition by 10 September and we will deliver your signature to MDG Summit Presidents. Above: Fatimata N, 20 years old proudly holds her first born child in Kiembara where she gave birth a few days before . What are Millenium Development Goals ? In 2000, countries around the world agreed to eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a global initiative to eradicate poverty by 2015. Ten years on, some progress has been made, but this has been uneven. There are still several impoverished and excluded communities that have yet to see the better life of the new millennium that was promised to the world. The MDGs focus on eight areas, each with their respective targets that are to be met by the deadline: End Poverty and Hunger, Universal Education, Gender Equality, Child Health, Maternal Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, Environment Sustainability, Global Partnership.  In Solidarity Helen, Charlotte, Shehzaad, Evie, Tristam, Jennifer and the 2.8 million supporters of Amnesty International Amnesty International International Secretariat
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