Raúl Hernández, the Mexican indigenous rights activist is free

We raised our voices and they released him!‏

vOICE FOR Raul's release in my earlier post

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¡Raul is free!

"I want to thank Amnesty International and the people of many countries who worked for my freedom.” Raul speaking after his release to Alberto Herrera, Executive Director of Amnesty International Mexico.

Raúl HernándezWe’re really pleased to be able to write to you with some amazing news! Raúl Hernández, the Mexican indigenous rights activist and prisoner of conscience, has been released from prison after over two years. The fabricated charges against him have been dropped.

Raúl was wrongfully arrested and charged with murder in January 2008. His crime in the eyes of the Mexican authorities was standing up for his people’s rights. Amnesty International has been campaigning for Raúl Hernández’s release since November 2008 when he was adopted as a prisoner of conscience.

In April this year International Members held events in their local communities, sent solidarity photos and collected signatures for the petition demanding his release.

We want to say a massive thank you to all those who took action and spread the word. This could not have happened without you.

It’s really wonderful to see the impact of our activism and campaigning and to see that together, we can change our world!

So thanks again, and please spread the word about Raúl’s freedom to your friends and colleagues. Change can happen in Solidarity.


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