Voice for Raúl’s release!

“Mexican authorities, especially in the state of Guerrero, are misusing the justice system to silence criticism and stop local activism. Raúl has been in prison for the past two years for a crime he did not commit; he should be released.”
Amnesty International believes that the charges brought against Raúl Hernández are in retaliation for his legitimate activities defending the rights of his community and for exposing abuses committed by a local political chief (cacique) and by local authorities.
On 17 April, activists around the world came together for a day of action to call for Raúl’s release. It was fantastic, so a massive thank you to everyone that participated!
International members from Bolivia and Ecuador joined activists from around the world to show solidarity for Raúl Hernández. More than 1000 photos of activists from all over the world were collected and projected onto the Guerrero representation office in Mexico city on 17 April.
The photos were sent to Raúl, his family and the Organization of the Indigenous Me’phaa People. Organización del Pueblo Indígena Me'phaa – OPIM (Indigenous Me'phaa People's Organisation) The world is standing in solidarity and we will not rest until Raúl is released from prison.
Voice ambassadors wrote blogposts spreading the word about Raúl’s case and calling on people to take action. You can read them here;
- Ex cátedra
- La mancha en la libreta
- Crónicas de una inmigrante
- Angua bipolar
- Subcomandante Felipe
- El Blog de Picapiedra
- La vida me pone
- Take a photo of yourself or with friends holding a sign with the message “Raise your voice for his release!”
- Sign the petition here;
- Read the blogposts above, leave your comments or write your own blogpost and send us a link.
- Watch an interview with Raúl here or read more about Mexican Human Rights Defenders here
More Info: http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/1865